Stewards Support Remodel of Old Family Home


Stewards Support Remodel of Old Family Home

In the first test case for San Geronimo Valley, the Marin Board of Supervisors approved the reconstruction of a 90-year old home in Lagunitas and overruled Spawn's objections to the house. The five Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of the 941 square foot Saban family home. Supervisors hailed this as a model of environmentally sensitive development near the stream.

SG Valley Stewards and the neighbors of the Saban family support the project. Valley Stewards wrote letters and spoke at the Planning Commission and Supervisors hearings. We congratulate the Saban family, and welcome them to the Valley.

The project is located at 100 Lagunitas Road. The current 870 square foot house was built 90 years ago and falling in disrepair. The Sabans will expand to 1412 square feet total footprint for house and garage. The Planning Commission set stringent conditions of moving the house away from the creek, restoring riparian landscaping, eliminating a bridge, and installing a new AdvanTex septic system.

Mr. Saban intends to live in the new home. He expressed appreciation to Community Development Agency staff for working with him on construction plans, and thanked Valley Stewards and neighbors for their support.